With environmental concerns increasing every day, there is a dire need to channel some efforts towards saving the environment and preventing it from further deterioration. Environmental startups aim at sustainably targeting environmental issues. It is a win-win situation for both- the eco-friendly startups in India and the environment. While on the one hand, the environmental startups address the environmental issues and tackle them, on the other hand, foreign investors and noble ideas help to develop the country’s economy too!
According to research, 75% of the waste generated in India is recyclable, but only about 30% is recycled! The 2015-18 economic boom was a crucial driver in the proliferation of clean technologies in the market. During this period, India was one of the fastest-growing economies in the world.
Here is a list of India’s top environmental startups, including sustainable tech startups. You can get fantastic eco-friendly startup ideas from here; who knows, yours may be the new top eco-friendly startup in India!